
West Ambula is the capital of Aurora County. It’s downtown is roughly the same size as Dayton, Ohio, and boarders the Chickamauga River, or the Big Chicka for short, to the east. The downtown area is centered around a grouping of high-rises.

The Big Chicka runs north to south while the Chickamauga Creek, or Chicka Creek, breaks off from the Big Chicka just north of downtown and runs west to east. North of Chicka Creek the flat area of downtown rises in a steep incline up the side of a large hill known simply as the Hill. Built on the side of the Hill are single story, low income houses.

South of Chicka Creek is the financial district which is the sight of the largest high rises. Further south and to the east is the arts district, which is home to some of the best restaurants West Ambula has to offer as well as several bars and clubs.

The industrial district stretches for five miles east of downtown before running into several residential areas and ends the downtown area.

The downtown area from north to south is only a mile or so long before it ends in a series of hills which is a smaller business/industrial district.

The part of the downtown area I struggle with the most is that it has a metro similar to the in Chicago. South of Chicka Creek running west to east is the metro’s elevated track. I struggle with this because there are no metros like this in Ohio, and a city the size of West Ambula shouldn’t have metro like this. But West Ambula does.

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